Students learning English in a classroom
BLS and Peartree Languages offer Bespoke English Language Training

Business Language Services (BLS) is delighted to announce that we are partnering with Peartree Languages to provide corporate English language training to clients. Through this collaboration, Peartree Languages will become our preferred partner for tailored English language training courses, to complement BLS’s extensive range of business language solutions.

At BLS, we understand the importance of effective communication in today’s globalised world. With English being the lingua franca of international business, proficiency in the language can be crucial for professional success and growth. That’s why we are delighted to join forces with Peartree Languages, a local Cardiff business and a renowned provider of English language training  both locally and internationally.

Ciera Doohan, who has taken the lead on this new initiative, said: “Peartree Languages brings to the table a wealth of experience and expertise in delivering high-quality language training programmes designed to meet the specific needs of our corporate clients. Their team of established language consultants and tutors is well versed in customising courses and delivery methods to ensure optimal real-world learning outcomes for professionals across diverse industries and proficiency levels.”

Peartree Languages logoThrough our partnership, BLS clients will have access to Peartree Languages’ extensive resources and proven methodologies for enhancing English language skills in the corporate environment. Whether it’s improving fluency for effective business communication, mastering specialised vocabulary for industry-specific contexts or honing presentation and negotiation skills, Peartree Languages’ courses are tailored to  meet the unique linguistic requirements of today’s business professionals.

Furthermore, this collaboration underscores our shared commitment to innovation and client satisfaction. By combining BLS’s industry-leading language services with Peartree Languages’ effective training solutions, we aim to help organisations seeking to empower their workforce with the language skills needed to thrive in a competitive global marketplace.

Nicky Partridge expressed her excitement at this new partnership: “As we embark on this exciting partnership, we remain dedicated to providing exceptional language training experiences that drive success for our clients. Together, we look forward to helping businesses unlock their full potential!”

Stay tuned for more updates and insights as we continue to develop this dynamic partnership. For enquiries or to learn more about our corporate English language training courses, please contact us at

